What will the puppies look like?
Tulip has always thrown gorgeous red ruby puppies. Pumpkin's genetics mixed with Colt give us a 50/50 chance of Ruby or black and tan. We are excited to see what she will throw. What size will the full Cavapoo be? Colt will be 20 pounds full grown. He is small, but has a sturdy frame. Pumpkin is about 13 pounds. I expect their puppies to be around 15 pounds, but the males are usually bigger full grown. What is the Cavapoo coat like?
Our Cavapoos can have a long curly, wavy, or straight coat depending on the generation and parents used. Our Cavapoos will tend to shed very little if any at all. Once we breed our F1B Cavapoos, they should have a curlier coat and are recommended for those with mild pet allergies. The Cavapoo coat will require some attention and time. To keep their coats clean and soft, a regular bath and frequent brushing is recommended to avoid matting. We also recommend daily brushing for a good bonding time between you and your dog as well as to get them used to the brush so that they will be happier to see the professional groomer every 6-8 weeks. |
What is the tempermant of a Cavapoo and are they difficult to train?
Cavapoos are intelligent with a gentle nature and happy demeanor. They are eager to please, so teaching a young Cavapoo to housetrain is easier than with other breeds of its size. Easier training makes them ideal for families with older children, seniors, and singles with busy schedules. A family with small children is not recommended as they can be startled by the unpredictable toddler.
How active is the Cavapoo?
Cavapoos need at least one walk a day and may even enjoy a short hike. The Cavalier is perfect for apartment living, but once we add in the poodle, they may want more space. The Cavapoo is very social and will be unhappy if left alone for long periods of time. They are great companions for travel and make excellent therapy dogs.
Why do puppies cost so much?
Breeding dogs is a very expensive undertaking. Before we even start looking at dogs, we have to make sure that our home is a safe place to raise them. This comes down to keeping up fencing, a healthy lawn, and creating spaces for them. They need a good dog run, yard for play, and multiple kennels. We also create whelping spaces and all the equipment that comes with that.
Finding a good dog for breeding is quite the process. The dogs need to have their DNA tested, OFA testing, eye testing. On top of that, we are looking for a kind demeanor, good bone structure, and temperament. Add in looking into genetics for colors. Finding a dog of this caliber for breeding or as a stud is far from cheap. We take breeding very seriously and only use the best stock. We feed our dogs Fromm dog food and NutraVet supplements.
All of this adds up to a large cost to the breeder and we want to make sure that our dogs are going to families that are serious about the commitment it takes to raise one of our dog. We hope that any of our dogs we be good candidates as therapy dogs. We hope that our families understand the value of the family member they are taking in.
Is there a deposit?
Once puppies are born and after a telephone screening, we will accept a $500, non refundable reservation fee to hold a puppy for you. This will go toward the total cost of the puppy.
What's your closest airport?
Sacramento is closest, but arrangements can be made to go through San Francisco as well. We are about a 2 hour drive from San Francisco.
What happens if we can no longer keep the puppy?
You return the dog to us and we will return the $3000. There will be a surrender contract to finalize it. We never want our dogs to be a burden. If you're situation changes, please let us know. We understand that changes in circumstances can arise!